4 Signs You Need An Elder Law Attorney - Amsberry Law Firm

Have you ever wondered what’s going to happen to your assets and properties when you are no more...? You must have given it a thought. Most of you must have thought the same, that you would just pass it on to your heir and look forward to a happy ending.

You might not have heard about this, but there is a lot that you can do about what happens to your property rather than just dividing it your heirs or maybe donating it to a charity, quite simple! 

That indeed is a great idea, doing nothing about the estate and just passing it on to your heir is one option, But have you ever considered hiring an elder law attorney for the same. This may pop a lot of questions in your mind like, what is elder law? Why do we need an elder law attorney? What are the benefits of having an elder law attorney?

Elder Law
Elder Law Attorney

Here are 5 signs that you will need an elder law attorney, you might not have noticed yet.

Sign 1: You are older than 75  years old 

Yes! Ageing is the biggest sign that cries out loud that you need an elder law attorney and, you may have a long term care insurance but planning your estate can benefit you even more. If you are looking for long term care in the future for you and our spouse, you need an elder law attorney to secure and protect your assets legally.

Sign 2: You are under a critical medical condition 

With age, finding yourself at the hospital’s reception often is quite normal. If you or your spouse is under a critical medical condition, especially if it’s the male partner you can find yourself in a pickle to make decisions about the finances. This makes it quite evident that you are in a need of an elder law attorney, who can help you plan your finances as per your will.

Sign 3: Not Enough money to pay for long-term care bills 

Nursing homes and Medicaid can be expensive, costing from 2000 - 3000 USD per month, which might put your finances into bankrupt. Not having enough money to take care of yourself is a concern and with no planning at all, you may find yourself with nothing at the end. Hiring an estate planner here would be the right choice and applying for Medicaid benefits legally with the help of an attorney will definitely solve your problem.

Sign 4: You still have a child with special needs  

You are ageing and you have a child with disabilities at your home; These kinds of situations where senior citizens would definitely need some planning, it is advised that you consult a lawyer. Planning your assets and your child is a must for people in such circumstances. Your attorney can always advise you to apply for a joint beneficiary with someone that would make sure that your responsibilities and assets are taken care of.

If you find yourself falling into any of these situations, you are in a great need of experienced elder law, who can guide your way out of such dilemmas.  


  1. Thank you for sharing useful information. Lawyer can help you find a solution, Visit our website for best elder law attorney .


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